Texas Governor's Plan to Reopen


Governor Abbott issued a new executive order today, April 27, allowing retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters, and malls to open at 25% capacity on May 1. These businesses located in counties with 5 confirmed cases or fewer and meeting certain other criteria may open at 50% capacity.Establishments covered by a TABC on-premises permit that are required to post a 51% sign are not allowed to re-open at this time. Qualified on-premises establishments may continue to offer to-go and delivery sales.We understand all other alcoholic beverage retailers and manufacturer tasting and tap rooms that have been previously closed as non-essential business may re-open May 1 at limited capacity, following the employee and facility protocols for retailers included in additional guidance released today along with the new executive order.The state will review if additional retail and services like bars, gyms, and hair salons will be allowed to reopen by mid-May.We’ll continue to monitor any announcements interpreting today’s order and guidance and relay accordingly. Stay safe out there.
